3232 White Oak Rd. 3rd Floor, London, ON N6E 1L8


Teacher's Bargaining Unit

For TBU forms and documents click here

The Teachers' Bargaining Unit of OSSTF District 11 is made up of the close to 2000 Secondary School and Continuing Education Teachers of the Thames Valley District School Board who teach in the 30 secondary schools, "alternative school" locations, and Adult Continuing Education Learning Centres. The Teachers' Bargaining Unit President is John Bernans.

Teachers' Bargaining Unit Executive

The Teachers' Bargaining Unit Executive consists of four positions which are elected by the TBU membership at large plus the Branch Presidents or Workplace Contacts, who are elected by the TBU members at individual branches/workplaces. The charts below indicate the positions, the names of the individuals holding those positions and their contact information.

TBU Executive PositionName
John Bernans
District Office
Kylene Walker
London Central S.S.
Krystal Caldwell
Laurier S.S.
Ron Vandecasteele
Banting S.S.
Provincial Councillor
Tim Davis
Glendale H.S.
Equity, Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression OfficerMary Lougheed
W.D. Sutton
Chairperson (non-voting)Rebekkah Wilkin
H.B. Beal S.S.
Provincial Executve LiaisonMalini Leahy
Provincial Office
Branch President
Workplace Location
Rachelle MartinA.B. Lucas
Tina LiretteAlternative Education
Brendan CareyArthur Voaden

B. Davison
Derek LeClairCentral Elgin C.I.
Taylor JonesClarke Road S.S.
 College Ave S.S.
Natalya TuharynaCon. Ed. Teachers
Marie FitzgeraldEast Elgin S.S.
Christopher TaylorGlencoe District H.S.
Ryan SproulGlendale H.S.
Andrea KirkhamH.B. Beal
Chris DeanHuron Park S.S.
Maggie CarterIngersoll District C.I.
Ryan Dunne, Matt SeredaLearning Support Services
Greg BrookLondon Central S.S.
Lisa McMillanLondon South C.I.
Amy HartwellLord Dorchester S.S.
Jamies MuirMedway H.S.
Danielle KingMontcalm S.S.
Scott KleinNorth Middlesex District H.S.
Jackie SmithOakridge S.S.
Bobbie-Jo BennetParkside C.I.
Brian OrtizSaunders S.S.
Julie MontesSir Frederick Banting S.S.
Sarah AntartisSir Wilfred Laurier S.S.
Annette MuellejansStrathroy District C.I.
Ryan LukingsVirtual Academy
Mary LougheedW.D. Sutton
Suzanne McCulloughWest Elgin S.S.
Megan JefferyWestminster S.S.
Sue Stevens Woodstock C.I.