3232 White Oak Rd. 3rd Floor, London, ON N6E 1L8


TBU Collective Bargaining Committee

The Collective Bargaining Committee determines negotiating priorities through communication and consultation with the TBU General Membership.

7.2. Collective Bargaining Committee 

7.2.1. Composition: a representative from each branch the Chief Negotiator 

7.2.2. Duties of the Committee (AGM2005)(AGM2017): to assist the Executive Council in determining negotiating priorities through communication and 

          consultation with the TBU General Membership to discuss strategies regarding implementation of the TBU negotiating brief to elect a Committee Chairperson for the following year, prior to the last Executive Council 

     meeting of the school year, (AGM2018) to elect from the CBC membership three (3) members who along with the Chairperson and

     the Chief Negotiator will be the Negotiating Table Team for the TBU.

For more information on the TBU Collective Bargaining Committee contact Chris Wismer