3232 White Oak Rd. 3rd Floor, London, ON N6E 1L8


Status of Women Committee

This committee monitors the professional status of women members of our Federation, advises our leadership on the need for appropriate action concerning any developing trends, and provides a forum for discussing issues relevant to women in OSSTF/FEESO.


District 11 Constitution - Terms of Reference - The Committee shall:

    • advance and promote OSSTF policies as they relate to Human Rights and the Status of Women,
    • generate awareness among the District members of the issues relating to Human Rights, the Status of Women and equal opportunity,
    • monitor Board promotional practices relating to the women and visible minority members of the District.
    • recommend to the District Executive Council, candidate(s) for the position of Committee Chairperson for the following year, prior to the June District Executive Council meeting
For more information on the Status of Women Committee contact Rebecca Calvert-Hamilton