3232 White Oak Rd. 3rd Floor, London, ON N6E 1L8


Professional Student Support Personnel

For PSSP forms and documents click here

The Professional Student Services Personnel Bargaining Unit consists of members in Psychological Services Speech-Language and Audiology Services, Research and Assessment Services, School Counselling and Social Work Services, and Environmental Education.The President of this Bargaining Unit is Sandra Miller.

PSSP Executive Position
Sandra Miller
Rupali Kapoor
Chris Matthews
Chief Negotiator
Donna Moser
Grievance Officer
Melanie Amadasun
Pauline Richards
Psychological Associates
Hilary Holmes
Kayla Janes
First Nations Counsellors
Tracey Sillaby
School Work/Attendance Councillor
Raya Barry
School Support Councillors
Sandra Sargent
Environmental Educators
Deb McCart
Research and Assessment Assistants
Sarah Folino, Ann McKerlie
Speech Language & Audiology Services
Chris Matthews
Health and Safety Officer
Chere Schneider
Behaviour Analysts
Kim Symons
Pay Equity Officer
Sandra Miller
Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Officer
Grace Arku
Federation Services Liaison
Jason Witty
Provincial Executive Officer
Malini Leahy
Provincial Office Liaison - Secretariat
Samantha Wilson
Provincial Office Liaison - Secretariat
Peter Bates
Provincial Office Liaison - Secretariate
Tracey Germa