3232 White Oak Rd. 3rd Floor, London, ON N6E 1L8


Member Services

As an OSSTF member, you will have ready access to a wide range of services.

The District provides support with:

  • staffing issues, payroll problems, contract negotiations and maintenance
  • representation available for members in matters involving discipline, violence, harassment, job performance and evaluation, and requests to describe a situation in writing or to act as a witness; other personal and professional assistance
  • liaison with Benevolent Council, Provincial Council, Labour Council, Mediation Council, Faculty of Education
  • benefits, long term disability, grievance issues
  • assistance, information and support for members considering pregnancy/parenting leave, sick leave, medical leave, educational improvement leave, LTD and other leaves
  • the work of the District committees of Educational Services, Political Action, Communications and Excellence in Education, Health and Safety, Human Rights and Status of Women, Collective Bargaining, joint Board committees and other committees

The Provincial level provides:

  • OSSTF representation, legal, personal and professional assistance, in matters between a member and the Board
  • advice in responding to complaints to the College of Teachers
  • collective bargaining, grievance and arbitration assistance
  • pension information, scholarships, grants, awards for members and students
  • assistance with pay equity, health and safety issues, human rights, workers' compensation
  • representation on committees developing and implementing policy at the District and Provincial levels re: negotiations, contracts, education and professional development, health and safety, curriculum issues.
  • Certification Rating Statements for salary purposes
  • a voice at various levels of government
  • education of the public about issues of importance to members