This committee advises our Federation on human rights matters within our union and assists in upholding our Federation's objectives to ensure equity and inclusiveness in the workplace and is a forum to advise on human rights issues relevant to members.
District 11 Constitution - Terms of Reference - The Committee shall:
Terms of Reference
- Foster and promote the dignity of all persons regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, physical or mental abilities,
- assist members to recognize and appreciate the contributions of people from different racial groups, creeds, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientation and mental or physical abilities,
- advance and promote OSSTF policies and practices as they relate to human rights,
- safeguard and monitor that human rights, as enshrined in the Ontario Human Rights Code not be denied to District 11 members,
- be a forum for members to discuss human rights and equity issues,
- make policy recommendations to District Executive Council related to human rights,
- seek professional development opportunities on human rights for members,
- make donation recommendations to District Executive Council to support organizations dedicated to furthering and promoting human rights,
- monitor TVDSB policy and practices relating to a working environment that supports equity, inclusion and human rights.