3232 White Oak Rd. 3rd Floor, London, ON N6E 1L8


Educational Services Committee

The mission of the Educational Services Committee is to foster the professional growth of OSSTF members in order to enhance the quality of education in Ontario, by providing direction, knowledge, skills and resources.

Educational Services Committee mandate:

7.5.1 Composition up to one representative from each Workplace.

7.5.2 Terms of Reference - The Educational Services Committee shall: identify the professional and educational issues and concerns of members and make recommendations to the District Executive Council for action, promote, encourage and support education related research and effective models of professional development at District levels, provide equality of access to professional growth, Administer individual P.D. funding assistance for members of District 11 under disbursement rules established yearly by the committee. (AGM 2003) Organize and promote professional activities throughout the year.(AGM 2003) Promote and seek funding for our District members at Provincially sponsored P.D. events. (AGM 2003) provide materials in the areas of research, professional development, curriculum and issues of educational concern, recommend to the District Executive Council, candidate(s) for the position of Committee Chairperson for the following year, prior to the June District Executive Council meeting, carry out any other projects assigned or approved by the District Executive Council.

Members of District 11 may request funds from the Educational Services Committee to pursue professional, curricular and educational issues and to support the goals of Professional Development in the District.

For more information on the Educational Services Committee contact Jason Witty