3232 White Oak Rd. 3rd Floor, London, ON N6E 1L8


District Awards Committee

District 11 Constitution - Terms of Reference - The OSSTF District 11 and Provincial Awards Committee shall:

  • Assist in evaluating nominees for the Excellence in Education Award and assist with recipient selection.
  • Receive nominations and select the recipient for the Mike Montag Award in consultation with the District President.
  • Consult and assist the District President in recommending District 11 members for Provincial OSSTF Awards of Merit and Honorary Memberships.
  • To assist with other projects assigned or approved by the District Executive Council.
  • Promote OSSTF local and Provincial awards.
  • Elect a Chairperson annually among committee members at the first meeting of the year and report the name of the elected Chairperson to District Executive Council.
For more information about the Awards Committe contact Becky Calvert-Hamilton