3232 White Oak Rd. 3rd Floor, London, ON N6E 1L8


OSSTF District 11 Bargaining Units

Teachers' Bargaining Unit

President: John Bernans

The Teachers' Bargaining Unit of OSSTF District 11 is made up of close to 2000 Secondary School and Continuing Education Teachers of the Thames Valley District School Board who teach in the 30 secondary schools, "alternative school" locations, and Adult Continuing Education learning centres.

Occassional Teachers' Bargaining Unit

President: Sharon Young-Kipp

The Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit is made up of Short Term Occasional Teachers (daily rate supply teachers) and Long Term Occasional Teachers (paid on the grid).  

Professional Student Services Personnel Bargaining Unit

President: Sandra Miller

The Professional Student Services Personnel Bargaining Unit consists of members in Psychological Services, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Services, Research and Assessment Services, School Counselling and Social Work Services, and Environmental Education.

Continuing Education Instructors

President: Veronica Faulkner

TheContinuing Education Instructors Bargaining Unit consists of approximately one hundred and thrity members in total.  They are; English as a Second Language Instructors, Adult Language and Basic Skills Instructors, and International Languages Instructors.